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Alfredo Govea
May 31, 2021

Peruvian Merger Control Legislation (May/June 2021)

Through Law N° 31112, a Law that establishes the prior control of concentration operations, and Supreme Decree N° 039-2021-PCM, the regulations of the Law, the Peruvian Congress and Government, respectively, approved the new merger control…
Alfredo Govea
March 30, 2021

Congress Approves Draft Law on Merger Control

The Congress of the Republic of Peru (“Congress“) passed a draft law (“Draft Law“) which will replace Emergency Decree No. 013-2019, the current merger control regulation ("DU"). The Draft Law is pending to be promulgated…
Alfredo Govea
March 4, 2021

New Peruvian Merger Control Complementary Regulations

The Peruvian Government approved through Supreme Decree N° 039-2021-PCM the Regulation of Law N° 31112 ("Regulation"), which establishes the prior control of business concentration operations. The Regulation was published in the Official Gazette El Peruano…

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